Nursing in Germany

In most cases nurses start to learn the profession in a special nursing school that is mostly connected to a hospital. Before starting the school they need half a year practical training in a hospital setting. The nursing course is done according EU regulations and is three years long including around 3300 hours for theoretical knowledge and 2500 hours for practical training in different hospital settings. In the first year of education you get around 700,00 Euro a month. In the second year of education you get around 750,00 Euro a month. In the third and last year of education, you get around 830,00 Euro a month.There are some changes to be expected in the future as it is now possible to study nursing on a B.Sc. base (mostly in universities of applied sciences). But they still need the official state exam to get the registration. Some universities offer a special program with local nursing schools where students learn in school and university to get the B.Sc. and state registration. Some universities offer post-graduate studies leading to a Master degree and the possibility to continue studies for a Ph.D. degree.
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